"The Town of West Hartford is dynamic and diverse, offering the best of the urban and suburban experience. We are an inclusive and engaged community with caring and responsible leadership. Our residents are enriched by excellent public schools, outstanding public safety, vibrant public spaces, and programs and services for all ages. The unique cultural, shopping, and dining opportunities throughout town make us a regional destination. West Hartford is a great place to live, work, play, and retire."
- Mayor Shari Cantor
Welcome to the Town of West Hartford
Adopted, Proposed Budgets, CIP, Budget in Brief, as well as other financial documents
open bids & bid results
Bid Listings, Results, Public Surplus, Vendor Registration
Online services
Most town hall business can be done online. Find forms, applications, and other resources such as online payments, GIS records, Recreation registration, overnight parking omits and more!
Planning studies, initiatives, & Updates
UCONN Campus, New ECC, Wayfinding Signage Project, Master Plan for West Hartford Center, Affordable Housing Plan, Bicycle Facilities Plan
Together, we can create a greener, healthier, and more sustainable future for generations to come.
Let's make a difference — today and tomorrow.
vision zero
On January 10, 2023, the Town of West Hartford Town Council unanimously adopted the Vision Zero Initiative in Support of Safe, Health and Equitable Mobility with the goal of eliminating fatalities and severe injuries on West Hartford streets by 2033
Town News
West Hartford-Bloomfield Health District invites everyone age 4+ to get a seasonal flu vaccine at one of the upcoming public clinics. The Health District offers high dose, regular, and pediatric flu vaccines.
On Saturday, September 28, 2024, 8:00 AM-1:00 PM, the MDC will hold a Household Hazardous Waste Collection at the West Hartford Public Works Garage, 17 Brixton Street. The event is free and open to MDC member communities.
The West Hartford Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is looking for new members to attend the next CERT Basic Training Class, which begins on Saturday, October 12. Classes will be held on five Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Do you want West Hartford to be a place for every age and every ability? Please share your experience at our Daring Dialogue event on October 1. Sign up by Sept. 16.
On Saturday, October 5th, the Park Road Association will host its most cherished community event, the Park Road Parade. We invite you to participate in this fun-filled, one-of-a-kind community event one last time.
The sign-up form is found here: https://www.parkroadct.com/signup
Enjoy a four-course dinner featuring locally-grown produce and products, highlighted by the culinary talents of the DORO restaurant group. All proceeds benefit the Westmoor Park Fund.
West Hartford Library is hosting a fall book club for immigrants who want to develop their English reading and communication skills on Wednesdays from 6:15-7:45PM from September 11 to November 13 at the Faxon Branch Library, 1073 New Britain Ave.
Join the Buried In Treasures workshop, a free 16-week, self-help and support group for people who have too much stuff and want to declutter their lives. Classes will meet every Tuesday from 1:00PM to 2:15PM beginning September 17, 2024.
A lot of what we put in the trash isn’t really trash. Check out all the things you can recycle at the West Hartford's Yard Waste and Recycling Center.
West Hartford receives GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its annual budget document.
The Assessment Office is conducting a town-wide project of taking high-resolution photographs of all 22,481 real estate parcels in town in preparation for the next state-mandated Revaluation in 2026.
Eversource has provided the Town with this year's notice of planned and scheduled vegetation maintenance work on the electric transmission right-of-way (ROW) located in West Hartford.
Calendar of Events
of the top schools in Connecticut & the Nation!
languages represented in our school system
dynamic shopping & dining districts