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West Hartford



The Town of West Hartford has operated under a Council-Manager form of government since 1919. West Hartford was the first towns in the state and one of the first in the country to adopt this form of government where the council acts as the elected policy board and the town manager serves as the chief executive officer responsible for carrying out the policies of the council.  All town council members are volunteers and do not get paid for this service to their community.

ADA compliance image

Town of West Hartford's notice under the Americans with Disabilities Act

west hartford

Complete listing of our Boards & Commissions, as well as links to Board Members, Agendas, Minutes, Meeting schedules


Agendas, Minutes, Video links, Public Notices, Legal Notices, as well as general information for all Council meetings. 

Historic Marker

Rick Ledwith was appointed Town Manager in June 2022. Rick has worked for the Town of West Hartford since 2001 in several capacities. Prior to becoming the Town Manager he was the Executive Director of Human Resources, where he has worked extensively with every municipal department as well as the West Hartford Public Schools.

West Hartford Vision Zero logo

On January 10, 2023, the Town of West Hartford Town Council unanimously adopted the Vision Zero Initiative in Support of Safe, Health and Equitable Mobility with the goal of eliminating fatalities and severe injuries on West Hartford streets by 2033.