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West Hartford

Board of Assessment Appeals

The Board of Assessment Appeals considers appeals for real estate, business personal property, and motor vehicles in the month of March. According to Connecticut State Statute §12-111, you have a right to appeal the assessment to the Board of Assessment Appeals. Appeal forms must be filed by February 20th, and postmarks are not accepted. 

Emails and faxes received by February 20, 2025, will be accepted. However, the Board of Assessment Appeals may decide not to hear an appeal "...for any commercial, industrial, utility or apartment property with an assessed value greater than $1,000,000.” Once all the applications are submitted, the owner (or appointed agent) will be notified of the date and time of the hearing.

Real Estate Appeals

Please remember all real estate assessments are as of the last revaluation date.  Any sales/appraisal information dated after the revaluation date will not be considered. 

Business Personal Property Appeals 

Please bring a filled-out Declaration of Personal Property to be submitted to the Board.

Motor Vehicle Appeals

Please be sure to bring your vehicle with you.  If there is no vehicle present, the Board may decide not to hear your case.  Also be sure to bring any other pertinent information to show the Board, such as salvaged/rebuilt titles or odometer disclosure statements.

The Board of Assessment Appeals also meets in mid-September for only motor vehicle appeals.  The September appeals are on a first come, first serve basis.  The registered vehicle owner (or appointed agent; Agent Appointment Form) will need to bring a completed application form (form available August 2025) to the selected appeals date with the motor vehicle and any information to support their claim that the assessment is too high. Please call our office at 860-561-7410 for an application.  Dates and times of the September appeals are listed at the top of the appeal application.  The appeals application will be available in the Assessment Office and online by the end of August.

BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS (3 Members; 3 year term, Charter Chapter IV, 2; Code Sec. 5-4)

archived Meeting Minutes

Board Members

Adam Keating

Board Member

Jeffrey Azia

Board Member

Linda Johnson


Kerry Kelley


Joseph Stafford

Board Member

Vacancies - There are 3 Vacant Positions