Mayor's Youth Council
The West Hartford Mayor’s Youth Council shall advise and make appropriate recommendations to West Hartford government regarding issues of special interest to West Hartford’s youth and put in place solutions through active civic engagement.
Meeting Dates
archived Meeting Minutes
Board Members
Daphne Brewer - 11th Conard
Ava DellaFera - 11th Hall
Ailani Roach - 12th Conard
Kushal Gauli - 10th Conard
Francesca Giordano - 12th Hall
Adam Gold - 10th Kingswood Oxford
Sarah Granquist - 11th Hall
Oliver Hartmann - 11th Hall
Joseph Landino - 11th Hall
Kikoh Mordukai - 12th Hall
Charlotte Mullin - 12th Hall
Isabelle Mulready - 9th Hall
Alexis Nguyen - 11th Conard
Moh Palanki - 11th Kingswood Oxford
Evan Piccioli - 12th Conard
Grace Piccioli - 11th Conard
Abby Sanderson - 11th Hall
Priya Shinde - 12th Hall
Rudra Singh - 11th Hall
Priya Sinha - 12th Hall
Caeli Sullivan - 10th Hall
Liam Wright - 12th Hall
Catherine Zehr - 11th Conard
Kari Karp - Teen Services Librarian & Board Liaison