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West Hartford

Pedestrian & Bicycle Commission

The West Hartford Pedestrian and Bicycle Commission is an advisory group appointed by the West Hartford Town Council, and is dedicated to issues related to safe walking and bicycling in the Town of West Hartford. Formally established in 2017, the Commission reviews, recommends and promotes various activities, policies and improvements related to the development of pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure.

The goals of the WHPBC are as follows:

1. To promote pedestrian and bicycle safety through education.
2. To promote pedestrian and bicycle awareness to motorists.
3. To promote the development of the pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure of West Hartford.
4. To promote the positive impact that pedestrians and bicycles have on the local economy.
5. To promote the health benefits and cost savings associated with pedestrian or bicycle transportation.

All are welcome to attend the monthly meetings of the West Hartford Pedestrian and Bicycle Commission, which are generally held on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at West Hartford Town Hall.  

Many factors contribute to the creation of an ideal environment for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and businesses.  Through community advocacy and collaboration with Town staff and local civic organizations, the West Hartford Pedestrian and Bicycle Commission works to achieve harmonious community development within the framework of a pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure.

Education is a critical component of our efforts.  Former State Senator and bicycle commuter Beth Bye, accurately stated recently the following when discussing the role of bicycles on our roadways: "We need to be considered in the same way as cars." As residents and visitors become more focused on living a healthy lifestyle, the importance of a pedestrian and bicycle friendly community is paramount.

The efforts of the West Hartford Pedestrian and Bicycle Commission may be seen throughout the town of West Hartford, CT, by the installation of crosswalks, walking trails, bicycle signs, bike lanes and bike racks, and through successful programs such as Center Streets, the West Hartford Bike Festival and the Wheels on Wednesdays program. In addition, the commission assisted in the development of the West Hartford Complete Streets Policy and the Bicycle Facilities Plan, the Neighborhood Bike Routes Program, West Hartford Walk and Bike to School Days and much more.

The Pedestrian and Bicycle Commission and Bike West Hartford

The Commission is independent of the non-profit organization Bike West Hartford, Inc. However, a Bike West Hartford representative reports on Bike West Hartford’s activities at monthly Commission meetings.

Bike West Hartford, Inc., is an independent, 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation with a mission to promote bicycling in the West Hartford area, organize bicycling events and bicycle educational opportunities, and raise funds to support projects that enhance bicycling in West Hartford and the surrounding communities. Bike West Hartford is able to continue its active role through membership dues and the generous donations of local residents, businesses and fellow bicycle advocates.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Commission Survey Results

The Pedestrian and Bicycle Commission in collaboration with the Town, captured 1,019 respondents between mid-February and March 31, 2021. The commission finds the survey to contain the voice of many who use our infrastructure to bicycle and walk. The survey may be used for purposes of reference, analysis, and call-to-action by the commission or community members. You may click here to view survey responses from the public.   
Read the Commission's memo to the Town Council

Meeting Dates



archived Meeting Minutes

Board Members

Edward Pawlak


Andrea Belli

Board Member

Jen Bowman

Board Member

Paul Hogan

Board Member

Jill Morawski

Board Member

Ed Perzanowski

Board Member

Tristan Sokol

Board Member

John Wenz

Board Member
