Join us to become part of the West Hartford Prevention Partnership Coalition as our Local Prevention Council.
Prevention Council
The West Hartford Prevention Council (establish by ordinance October 7, 2019) is dedicated to increasing public awareness of, and action around, substance abuse and mental health issues. The Council facilitates activities and/or makes recommendations regarding possible activities to the Town Council that may increase public awareness of substance abuse and prevention initiatives or that promote mental health in the context of overall health and wellness. The nine-member panel, non-voting members and ex-officio members meet once per month, except in July and August, on the second Thursday of the month at 5:00 PM in West Hartford Town Hall.
View the West Hartford Cares Directory Resource for a comprehensive list of contact information for those services. The West Hartford Resource Directory lists telephone numbers for services that you'll need in time of crisis, including the Poison Control hotline, local hospitals as well as agencies that have professionals who can help with child abuse, domestic violence, gambling, parenting, substance abuse and more. A wallet-size card of this resource directory is available at the Customer Service Desk of Town Hall.
Please contact the Social Services Office or visit the Prevention webpage for more information at 860-561-7560.
Meeting Dates
Archived Meeting Minutes
Board Members
Carl Shields
Howard Dashefsky
Bob Macca
Nordia Napier
Megan Polte
Kathleen Bond
Jessica Evans
Vacancies - There are 2 Vacant Positions
Shari Cantor, Mayor
Rick Ledwith, Town Manager
Dr. Lorna Thomas-Farquharson, BOE Representative
Paul Vicinus Jr., Superintendent
Tor Fiske, Assistant Principal, Conard High School
Nicholas Sanford, Police Department Representative
Joseph Hopkins, Police Department Representative
Gretchen Levitz, Prevention Coordinator
Kelly Waterhouse, Social Services Representative
Susan Walsh, WHBHD Representative
Megan Jo, Student Representative (Conard H.S.)
Madeline Valentin, Student Representative (Hall H.S.)