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West Hartford

Special Services District


The Board of Commissioners shall schedule and hold one or more public hearings, the first of which shall take place not later than 75 days before the end of the fiscal year, on the proposed annual budget for the district for the ensuing fiscal year. The Town Clerk shall publish notice thereof in a newspaper having a general circulation in the Town not less than 10 days prior to the date of the first of said hearings. At said hearings any member shall have an opportunity to be heard regarding appropriations for the ensuing fiscal year. (4) Not later than 65 days before the end of the fiscal year, the Board of Commissioners shall, by resolution, adopt a budget for the ensuing fiscal year, including its recommended levy upon all taxable interests in real estate constituting residential land uses or commercial land uses (by subcategory) within the district as necessary to support the district's budget, and file the same with the Town Clerk not later than 45 days before the end of the fiscal year. Under no circumstances shall the budgeted expenditures of the district for any fiscal year be permitted to exceed budgeted revenues.


1. Date for this meeting is established in Bylaw 2(A) of District.
2. Ordinance requires that this meeting must take place before March 12th. This meeting comports with Council meeting schedule but cannot be postponed.
3. Budget hearing must be held in April and before April 16th pursuant to ordinance and Bylaws of District.
4. Budget must be adopted before April 26th pursuant to ordinance and Bylaws of District.
5. This date is proposed to be consistent with the Town Council’s first meeting in November.


Review Committee Bylaws

Meeting Minutes

Review current Meeting Minutes and Agendas. For Meeting Minutes prior to 2023, please see below.

Previous Meeting Minutes

Board Members

Shari Cantor (D)


Carol Blanks (D)

Town Council

Alberto Cortes (R)

Town Council

Mary Fay (R)

Town Council

Karen Johnson

Commerical Property

Rick Ledwith

Town Manager

Tiffani McGinnis (D)

Town Council

Debra Polun (D)

Town Council

Art Spivak

Residential Property

Barry Walters (D)

Town Council

Ben Wenograd (D)

Deputy Mayor

Mark Zydanowicz (R)

Minority Leader

Ed Basanese

Alternate Residential Property

Andrew Sufian

Alternate Commercial Property