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West Hartford

Corporation Counsel

The Corporation Counsel serves by appointment of the Town Council and is the chief legal officer for the Town of West Hartford.  The Office of the Corporation Counsel is responsible for the coordination and management of all legal issues affecting the Town.  The attorneys in the Office of the Corporation Counsel provide legal advice and opinions to all Town officers, departments, boards, agencies and commissions.

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Contact Information

West Hartford Town Hall
50 South Main Street, Room 319
West Hartford, CT 06107
Fax: 860-561-7426

Staff Directory

Dallas Dodge

Job Title: Corporation Counsel
Phone Numbers:
Work: 860-561-7420

Gina Varano

Job Title: Deputy Corporation Counsel
Phone Numbers:
Work: 860-561-7420

Cynthia Lauture

Job Title: Assistant Corporation Counsel
Phone Numbers:
Work: 860-561-7420

Andrea Golino

Job Title: Administrative Assistant
Phone Numbers:
Work: 860-561-7421

This staff directory should be used to communicate information regarding town business. Do not use the list to solicit products, promotional items or sale offers.