Area 1 – FEAT
Area 1 – FEAT overall proposed drainage improvements map. The total cost to replace all recommended storm drainage to improve flooding impacts is $38.5 Million.
The FEAT Drainage System is named due to its boundary as Farmington Avenue to the south, Elizabeth Park to the east, Asylum Avenue to the north, and Trout Brook to the west.
The phase 1 project shown in orange on the map will replace undersized storm pipes and install a larger storm drainage system from Trout Brook, along Asylum Avenue, Ballard Drive, and Middlebrook Road to the intersection of Penn Drive. This project is in preliminary design and the phase 1 construction cost is $12.2 Million. Reducing the size of this project will provide very limited benefit to neighborhood. This project is in preliminary design. The design will continue and a public information meeting will be scheduled as the design progresses. Due to the cost of this project, the anticipated construction start is 2027.