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West Hartford


Structural maintenance of the 300 miles of sidewalks in the public Right of Way are the responsibility of the Town of West Hartford.  Per Town ordinance, removal of snow and ice from public sidewalks is the responsibility of the abutting property owner.  Snow and ice must be removed from the sidewalk within 12 hours after the storm or sunrise, whichever is later.  Abutting property owners are also responsible for mowing and maintaining grass areas between the sidewalk and curb or street pavement edge. 

To report a snow clearing violation, please call the West Hartford Police Department at 860-523-5203.

To report a structural issue, please use the online portal or call the Engineering Division at 860-561-7540.  The information will be reviewed and entered into our database of areas needing repair and will be addressed as our sidewalk contractor works in your particular area.