Camp Funtastic Ages 6-11
- What time does Camp Funtastic start?
- When is pick-up time?
- What if a child needs medication?
- Are there health forms that need to be completed?
- What happens if it is raining?
- What items should a child bring to camp?
- Will there be swimming at the Camp?
- Does Camp Funtastic provide special activities?
- Sample Schedule Camp Funtastic Activities
What time does Camp Funtastic start?
Camp Funtastic starts each day promptly at 8:30 AM. However, with the flexible/curbside drop off option, staff will be available to take your child any time after 8 AM. Our staff will be ready to receive your child at the designated drop off area assigned for your park. We ask one very important thing of you each day. We now offer two options for drop off:
1. Please take the time to check your child in personally and sign in with the park manager or
2. take advantage of the curbside drop off option this summer. Staff can check your child directly from your vehicle.
On the first day of camp your child will receive a “camp booklet” with staff information, schedules, etc. Please check this booklet-it will provide you with valuable information.
When is pick-up time?
The program ends at 4:30 pm. Our staff will have the children ready and waiting for your arrival promptly at 4:30 pm each day in front of the pool house. New this year we are offering a flexible pick up between 4:30 and 5:00 pm. Our staff is responsible for your child and will stay as long as they need to in case of an emergency or some unforeseen circumstance in which you are late. If you know you will be late to pick up your child, please call the facility ASAP. We will insure his/her safety until you arrive.
- To keep Camp Funtastic as safe as it can be, we ask that you pick up your child personally and sign them out. We will never let a child run to a car in the parking lot, whether it is his/her car or not.
- If someone other than the usual person is picking up your child or if your child is going home with a friend, you must notify the staff in writing. They will not let your child leave with someone else unless you give written permission to do so.
You may email the Leisure Services Office. Please give your child’s full name, park location and the full name of the person who is picking up your child.
What if a child needs medication?
Park staff cannot administer any medications. If your child needs medication during camp, he/she must self-medicate. Park staff will remind your child to take medicine. All medication brought to camp must be in a clear plastic bag, in the original container and labeled with the child’s name and the time and dosage on it. Please remember to indicate medical needs while registering online. If your child carries an Epi-Pen, you must register in RecDesk under programs for EPIPEN Form Completion to access the necessary forms. A doctor’s note must be uploaded to complete the process.
Any questions, please contact Leisure Services directly for specific procedures. Please call Marc Blanchard at 860-561-7510.
Are there health forms that need to be completed?
The Camp Emergency form is now a part of the online Registration process through RecDesk. If your child will bring an Epi-Pen to camp, please register in the EPIPEN Form Completion program found under Programs in Recdesk. This program is to allow access to the necessary fillable form. A doctor’s note must be uploaded to complete the process. This information is necessary to help your child enjoy the program to its fullest and to protect his or her health and safety. All information will be kept confidential. It is critical that information must be provided prior to the start of camp.
What happens if it is raining?
In the event of inclement weather the camps will move to an indoor location. Unfortunately, the locations are determined on a yearly basis depending on construction projects. Once the sites are determined you will be informed by staff prior to the first day of your child’s session in a welcome email.
We track the weather and make predictions to our best abilities. Always bring your child to their designated park location in the morning. If it has been determined that the camp will be moving to the indoor site, a staff member will be onsite to re-direct you. If we move in during the course of a day, you will be contacted via email and informed of this change. For passing showers, we try to remain in the parks.
What items should a child bring to camp?
- SUNSCREEN: Since your child will be outdoors, you may wish to apply sunscreen before they come to camp. If you wish to have the sunscreen reapplied at noon, you should show your child how to put it on and send it with them to camp. At lunchtime the counselor will remind the children to put on their sunscreen.
- LUNCH, SNACKS AND DRINKS: Please do not send highly perishable foods or things that melt easily like chocolate candy bars. If possible, send the lunches in an insulated lunch box.
- PERSONAL PROPERTY: Do not send money or other valuable items (such as cellphones, IPads, etc.) with your child to the park. We cannot be responsible if your child loses them. Please be sure to have your child’s name on everything sent to camp (swimsuits, towels, water bottles, etc.)
Will there be swimming at the Camp?
- SWIM PROGRAM: Swim Lessons - Lessons will be the first session of the day. Please have your child wear his/her bathing suit under his/her clothes. (Don’t forget to send underwear with him/her.)
- AFTERNOON SWIMS: Weather permitting, we will go swimming again in the afternoon. You may wish to send an extra dry suit and towels with your child.
- SAFETY IN THE POOL: We realize that some children are not yet ready to use the “big” pool, being either too young or not yet having the swimming ability to safely use the pool. To insure the safety of children in the program, the following swimming procedures will be followed:
- On the first day of camp, the lifeguards will test the swimming ability of each child.
- To gain full use of the big pool, a child must be able to comfortably swim one length of the pool. Children who cannot swim one length of the pool will be allowed to swim in the 3-foot section only, under strict supervision of the park and pool staff.
- Children will wear a color-coded bracelet that identifies them as attending Camp Funtastic, as well as their swimming ability.
Only the American Red Cross offers six comprehensive course levels that teach participants how to swim skillfully and safely. The prerequisite for each level is successful demonstration of the skills taught in the preceding level. Beginners start at Level I, which has no prerequisite. Each level of Learn-to-Swim includes training in basic water safety and helping a swimmer in distress, in addition to the skills outlined. If you are unsure between two levels, place your child in the lower of two levels. Your child will still learn new skills while refreshing the old ones.
Level I: (must be at least 4 years old) Introduction to Water Skills: Basic water safety rules. Swimming on front and back using arm and leg actions. Recognizing a swimmer in distress and getting help. Submerging mouth, nose and eyes. Exhaling underwater. Opening eyes underwater/picking up submerged object. Floating on front and back. Glide on front at least 2 body lengths, roll to back float and recover to vertical position. |
Level 2: Fundamental Aquatic Skills: Recognizing a swimmer in distress and getting help. Opening eyes underwater/ picking up submerged object. Bobbing in water. Front and back glide. Jellyfish and back float. Treading water using arm and leg motions. Swimming using combined stroke on front and back. |
Level 3: Stroke Development: Reach or throw. Jump into deep water from side, submerge and return to side. Bobbing while moving to safety. Tread water for 1 minute. Rotary breathing in horizontal position. Survival float, back float. Front and back crawl. Swim elementary backstroke for 15 yards. Flutter, scissors, breaststroke and dolphin kicks. |
Level 4: Stroke Improvement: Safe diving rules. Throwing assist. Dive from stride position or shallow dive. Feet-first surface dive. Survival float. Back float. Front and back crawl. Elementary backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, sidestroke. Open turns on the front and back. Flutter and dolphin kicks on back. Push off in streamlined position on back. |
Level 5: Stroke Refinement: Performing rescue breathing. Shallow angle dive. Tuck surface dive and pike surface dive. Front flip turn and backstroke flip turn. Front and back crawl. Tread water for 5 minutes. Sculling for 30 seconds. Elementary backstroke. Butterfly, breaststroke, side stroke. |
Level 6: Advanced Options: Surface dive and retrieve object from the bottom 7-10 feet deep. Refine the strokes so students swim them with ease, efficiency, power and smoothness over greater distances. Able to swim 500 yards continuously, using any 3 strokes of choice. |
Does Camp Funtastic provide special activities?
Special activity sessions will be ongoing during each session. Examples of special activities include:
- Special crafts
- Tye-Dye T Shirts
- Make your own sundaes
- Field Day
- Trip to Bowling Alley
Dates and times of special activities will be posted in the weekly schedule or may be obtained by asking a camp counselor. Reminders will be given to you if any activities require materials from home (i.e. T-Shirts for tye-dye).
Sample Schedule Camp Funtastic Activities
8:30 am Arrive |
8:30 am Arrive |
8:30 am Arrive |
8:30 am Arrive |
8:30 am Arrive |
9:00 am Swim Lessons I |
9:00 am Swim Lessons I |
9:00 am Swim Lessons I |
9:00 am Swim Lessons I |
9:00 am Swim Lessons I |
9:45 am Swim Lessons II |
9:45 am Swim Lessons II |
9:45 am Swim Lessons II |
9:45 am Swim Lessons II |
9:45 am Swim Lessons II |
10:30-11:30 am Tennis Arts & Crafts T-Ball |
10:30-11:30 am Golf Arts & Crafts T-Ball/Coach Pitch |
10:30-11:30 am Volleyball Arts & Crafts T-Ball/Coach Pitch |
10:30-11:30 am Basketball Arts & Crafts T-Ball/Coach Pitch |
10:30-11:30 am Soccer Arts & Crafts T-Ball/Coach Pitch |
11:30 am Group Game |
11:30 am Group Game |
11:30 am Group Game |
11:30 am Group Game |
11:30 am Group Game |
12:00 noon Lunch |
12:00 noon Lunch |
12:00 noon Lunch |
12:00 noon Lunch |
12:00 noon Lunch |
12:30 pm Arts & Crafts |
12:30 pm Waterslide at Funtastic |
12:30 pm Field Day |
12:30 pm Soccer |
12:30 pm Make your own Sundae |
1:15 pm Scavenger Hunt |
1:15 pm Capture the Flag |
1:15 pm Field Day |
1:15 pm Frisbee Golf |
1:15 pm Baseball |
2:00 pm Soccer |
2:00 pm Storytime |
2:00 pm Field Day |
2:00 pm Kickball/B.B./T.B. |
2:00 pm Volleyball |
2:30 pm Free Swim |
2:30 pm Free Swim |
2:30 pm Free Swim |
2:30 pm Free Swim |
2:30 pm Free Swim |
4:30 pm Pick-up |
4:30 pm Pick-up |
4:30 pm Pick-up |
4:30 pm Pick-up |
4:30 pm Pick-up |
Click here to read our summer refund and waitlist policies.