Nature Hike
Explore the trails through the field and forest, looking for signs of wildlife.
Field Netting
In our tall-grass meadow – students have a chance to use nets to search for insect life. We will also discuss insect adaptation, and compare the tall-grass habitat to that under a bug-board.
Nature’s Wall
Through an interactive activity, students will learn how all life at and around Westmoor is connected, and how it is dependent on abiotic factors (soil, sunlight, water, air).
Seed Dispersal Hike
We will take a walk around the Park, finding different kinds of seeds. Students will learn how seeds travel, and why. We will also discuss habitat factors in seed dispersal, and how plants adapt to their environment just like animals do.
Color Hike (Fall only)
Fall is a time for color! Students will go on a hike specifically searching for items to add to a Rainbow Scavenger Hunt. This activity is geared towards pre-K.
Web of Life
Students will play an interactive game where they become a part of an ecosystem, and explore connections between all plant and animal life. They will learn how important every piece of the “web” is for the survival of all organisms.
What’s in a Bag
Through hands-on inquiry, students will explore animal adaptations. They will learn how to interpret clues left in the skeleton of an animal to discover how that animal was adapted to feed, where it may have lived, and what it’s role was in the ecosystem.
Animal Adaptations
Meet some of our animal friends, while discussing how mammals, birds, and reptiles each adapt to their unique environments. We will also discuss adaptations for hunting prey and evading predators, and how we can guess an animal role in the food chain by examining their physical features.
Field to Forest Succession
With hand-on scientific measurements and observations, students will compare three habitats- a tallgrass field, a thicket, and an established forest. In doing so, they will learn how a field transitions into a forest over time, and how biotic and abiotic features change through this transition.
With drama and interactive play, students will explore different forms of symbiosis, and learn how organisms interact with other species. This activity is geared towards upper elementary.
Habitat Fragmentation
Play a game learning about how habitats can be fragmented, and how that affects the survival of animals who depend on that habitat. Students will learn, in a very active way, how size and distance of habitat fragments can affect emigration and species survival, as well as how geographic isolation can lead to speciation over time.