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West Hartford


Municipal Parking manages on-street parking, surface lots, and garages in the Center and Blue Back Square. We provide services to the residents, visitors and businesses in the area.

Our mission is to offer safe, clean, inviting parking facilities to support the needs of the public and commerce. We enhance the economic vibrancy of West Hartford Central Business District by promoting parking availability, encouraging compliance with the Town's parking ordinances, while adding beautification to the area. As visitors to the center, you will find parking easy and accessible, with many options of services for your convenience.

Parking Resources & Apps

Parking icon

Parking is not permitted on any street at any time between 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis


Pay for metered parking using PassportParking or Flowbird mobile app and skip the kiosk altogether! 


Pre-paid parking, validation parking, workforce parking, event parking at Town Hall, reserved metered spaces. 

Ticket Help

Additional Resources


The Town of West Hartford owns electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at four locations. EV charging stations are currently available for public use free of charge, although parking fees may apply.


West Hartford Municipal Parking, a division of the Department of Public Works, is taking applications for Part-time Laborer, regular and seasonal. The hours are 18-20 per week, maximum of 900 hours/year. 

Office Hours & Contact Information

Municipal Parking Office
17 Isham Road

West Hartford, CT 06107
Fax: 860-231-8360

Office hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:00PM

Parking Monitor Observed Holidays: 
New Years, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.