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West Hartford

Electric Vehicle Charging

The Town of West Hartford owns electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, also known as electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), at four locations in Town:

  • Isham Garage – 19 Isham Rd.
  • Arapahoe Parking Lot – Arapahoe/LaSalle Rd.
  • Town Hall Parking Lot – 50 S Main St.
  • Charter Oak International Academy – 425 Oakwood Ave.

These EV charging stations are currently available for public use free of charge, although parking fees may apply. Additional public EV charging stations in West Hartford can be found on various websites or apps, including the DOE’s Alternative Fuels Data Center.

The Town recently completed an Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Plan (March 2024), which included community outreach and input. This plan considers EV adoption trends, potential future locations for public EV charging stations, governance roles and responsibilities, as well as different contracting models and fees structures. Key findings from the plan are available to review. As identified in the plan, next steps include updating Town policy or regulations, finalizing locations and quantities for a phased rollout, identifying funding, developing a procurement strategy, and installing new stations. All existing Town-owned EV chargers would be replaced with new ones.

What can you do?

  • Consider purchasing an electric vehicle and/or installing an EV charger at your home or business.
  • Combat EV “range anxiety” by knowing where EV chargers are located.
  • Practice good EV charging etiquette by parking only as long as you need to charge.

Resources to get started…

For more information on EV charging in West Hartford, please contact the Municipal Parking Office at 860-561-8220.