The Zoning Board of Appeals (for details click and scroll to Chapter 177, Section 177-49) hears and decides on the following:
Variance to the requirements of a zoning ordinance. (See Chapter 177 Zoning Ordinance Section 177-49B)
Special Exception to allow for a home occupation in a residential district (See Chapter 177 Zoning Ordinance Section 177-49C)
Approval of location for motor vehicles repairer's and dealer's licenses acting as an agent for the State of Connecticut
Appeal if there is an alleged error in any order, requirement of decision made by any official charged with the enforcement and administration of the zoning ordinance.
The Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Agency is the authority which approves, modifies or denies a wetlands application. The Town Plan & Zoning Commission acts as the IWWA and the Town Planner acts as the Wetlands Administrative Officer.
The Design Review Advisory Committee was established for the purpose of promoting and encouraging public and private actions to maintain a high character of community development, to protect the public health, safety, convenience and welfare and to protect real estate within the municipality from impairment or destruction of value.
Sustainable West Hartford Commission develops and conserves natural resources and protects the integrity of the environment within the territorial limits of the Town.