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West Hartford

Transit Oriented Development

The Town of West Hartford completed a planning initiative to review the zoning ordinances around its two CTfastrak stations. The effort was a continuation of past planning studies and seeks to further many of the goals and strategies outlined in the recently adopted Plan of Conservation and Development and specifically sought to better understand the opportunities and constraints for implementing possible transit-oriented development supportive zoning ordinances, focusing on areas within one-quarter (0.25)  mile of the Elmwood and Flatbush Avenue stations.   

Based on the feedback from a comprehensive public engagement initiative, a draft Transit Oriented Development zoning ordinances was prepared and presented to the Town Council.  On June 14th, 2022, the Town Council adopted a the new Transit Oriented Development District zoning ordinance.  The adopted ordinance can be found with the following link: Section 177-43.

What is Transit Oriented Development?

Transit-oriented development, also referred to as TOD, is relatively high density, mixed-use development that is located within a short walk (typically 5 to 10 minutes) from a fixed transit station. Being transit-oriented also implies pedestrian friendly design, the right mix of land- use types, compact development consistent with neighborhood character, and well-designed parking opportunities. TOD has many benefits, including:

  • Supporting higher density development, which can grow the tax base
  • Decreasing the number of automobile trips and associated air and noise pollution
  • Generating transit ridership
  • Lowering transport costs (transit is typically less expensive than driving)
  • Creating more vibrant live, work, and play opportunities compared to auto-oriented development.
Community Engagement

A meaningful public engagement process was utilized as part of this initiative which included a comprehensive community survey, a visual preference survey and four public workshops.  These efforts are detailed in the Community Engagement Summary Report and the Town Council TOD presentation available below.

Questions or written comments on this initiative should be directed to the Town Planner, Todd Dumais via email or by calling 860-561-7556.