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West Hartford

West Hartford Center Infrastructure Master Plan

Your Feedback Matters!

We have received a strong collection of feedback from the public in the past few months of this planning process and look forward to reconnecting with the community with further public engagement opportunities soon.

Our public street design workshops have been well attended and the project team gathered a wide range of thoughtful comments, street design preferences, ideas, and concern:



Infrastructure Master Plan Background

The Town of West Hartford is developing a comprehensive Infrastructure Master Plan for West Hartford Center. Given the continued growth and expansion of the Center over the past 30 years, an evaluation of the existing street infrastructure, such as traffic lanes, sidewalk widths, bus stop accommodations, and landscaping in the area is necessary to ensure that the area remains a great place for residents, visitors, and businesses. Many of the lessons learned from this process will be applicable to other parts of town as well.

Plan elements will include sidewalks and public space, signage, public art, parking, and transportation, with the goal of identifying opportunities to further enhance the Center for all users. An emphasis will be placed on continuing to provide good connections for people walking, fostering a friendly and safe environment for residents, visitors, business owners, and employees alike. The Plan will draw on previous principles developed with residents and stakeholders for the Town Center, including:

  • Preserving the existing open feeling and presence of natural light;
  • Managing traffic and parking to reduce impacts on the surrounding neighborhoods;
  • Enhancing safety, mobility and convenience for businesses, residents and visitors;
  • Embracing Complete Streets improvements in the Center and surrounding neighborhoods;
  • Exploring opportunities to better connect the Center to Blue Back Square;
  • Ensuring the Center is safe and comfortable to attract and serve all age groups; and
  • Encouraging the development of additional functional open space.

As part of this Plan process, the project team will advance concept designs and construction plans for LaSalle Road from the intersections of Ellsworth Road to Farmington Avenue as well as Farmington Avenue from the intersections of Walden Street to North/South Main Street.

The Plan and design process will be informed by discussions with community stakeholders including area business owners, property owners, and associations. This process will build on the participatory visioning for development conducted in the Center in 2017 as well as street reconfigurations that the Town has recently implemented.

Check back often for information as the Town works through the planning process. A draft schedule and outline of the study area are below. 

For questions or concerns please email us at

Additional Project Documents

map of study area

Study area.  Please click on image above to open and view. 

Image of Presentation from February 7, 2024

February 7, 2024  West Hartford Center Infrastructure Master Plan public meeting (YouTube)

YouTube - West Hartford Town Center Street Design Open House Feb 2, 2023

February 2, 2023 West Hartford Town Center Street Design Open House recording (YouTube)

First page of the PDF file: Public-Workshop-Feb-2-2-2023

February 2, 2023 West Hartford Town Center Street Design Open House Presentation.  Please click on image above to open and view.