Investigative Services
Investigative Services is responsible for follow up investigation of crimes occurring in West Hartford. It includes two Divisions organized to provide specialized police services; the Detective Division and the Community Relations Division. Detectives with specialized training are assigned to each division, allowing for expertise in the different types of investigations required to bring criminal cases to successful conclusion. Along with investigating criminal complaints, Investigative Services is proactive in reducing crime. This is accomplished through high impact prevention and community education programs designed and implemented by the Community Relations Division; as well as through targeted surveillance details utilizing plain clothes detectives. These efforts work with other elements from different divisions in the department to provide a multifaceted approach to reducing crime in West Hartford.
WHPD Tips line: 860-570-8969 or email us at
Investigative Services includes the following divisions:
Community Relations
Since 1970, the Community Relations Division, has a long legacy of service to the West Hartford community. The unit's officers are highly regarded for the important role they play in developing and teaching the personal safety curriculum in the public and private schools. A major goal of the program is to instill in children the knowledge that police officers are available to help and guide them, and that they are truly a friend to call upon in time of crisis, confusion or concern.
The West Hartford Police Department’s “Police / School Education Curriculum” has been developed over more than forty years by the officers assigned to the Department’s Community Relations Division. During this time, the program has evolved through a cooperative effort between the police department and the West Hartford Public School System. Without the input of concerned officers and the cooperation of the professional educators who allowed us into their classrooms - the program would not be as successful as it is.
This safety curriculum is offered to the Town’s twenty-five public and private elementary, middle and high schools. Each presentation has been created to be age and grade appropriate. Two presentations are available at each grade level from K-12.
This curriculum proves that successful law enforcement includes pro-active community education. By providing an officer with the opportunity to share an “up-close and personal” experience with youth of all ages, positive relationships are fostered - for the officer, the teacher and the student.
Information included in each outline is comprehensive in substance and has been generated and documented in many other nationally established programs. Nearly each program level has a brochure of relevant information which is provided by the officer during their presentation. What we have tried to do is tailor it to the West Hartford community. Connecticut state laws and local town ordinances are included in many of the lesson plans.
Community Relations officers are also active in the general community. Throughout the year, they make presentations to civic organizations and community groups on various laws or safety-related topics. Community Relations officers are certified as child safety seat inspectors. Please call 860-570-8820 to make an appointment to have your car seat inspected.
PD Community Relations
Officer Lauren Rieger
Officer Kenneth Stebbins
Useful Links
Care Card: Card identification program
Child Passenger Safety Brochure:Helpful hints on installing car seats
Connecticut Safe Kids: Find a car seat fitting station in CT
Take our Home Security Audit:Take a look at your home both inside and outside from the point of view of a burglar. Have you taken all the measures possible to make your home safe from crime? Find out by answering these questions found in the West Hartford Police Department's home security audit.
School Education Program
Investigative Services Division Commanders
Detectives undergo extensive training in a number of advanced areas at both state and federal institutions. Courses include finger printing, interrogation techniques, crime scene analysis, and advanced classes in specialties such as crime scene photography and videography.
The Detective Division owns and operates its own crime scene van - a self contained unit equipped with the latest technologies for evidence collection and identification. This unit enables the department to handle its own crime scene processing.
Detective Division
Professional Standards Unit
Community Support Unit
The Community Support Unit (CSU) is comprised of officers and detectives who specialize in quick responses to any matter in town that needs police attention.