Municipal Parking
Visit our dedicated Parking webpage here.
Report a problem
Pothole Patching
Sinkhole Repair
Curbside Collection Programs
Catch Basin Failures
Special Events Management
Permanent Asphalt Restoration
Snow & Ice Removal by the Resident
Resident's Responsibility: Removal of snow and ice from premises where there is an established sidewalk is required by owners or occupants within 12 hours after a storm ends or within 12 hours after sunrise, whichever is later. The whole walk must be cleared, including curb cuts, handicapped ramps, and bus stop pads, etc. Sidewalks should be sanded whenever ice cannot be removed. Do not place snow from your sidewalk and/or driveway into the street. Violators are subject to a per day fine plus liability for the cost of clearing the sidewalk, if necessary, per Town Ordinance 115-24. It is also illegal to put snow into the street.
Public sand:There is public sand supplies located in Town for residential use only at the the Residential Drop Off area at the Recycling Center during regular center hours of operation.
Snow Clearing Policy: The town is divided into plow routes. Each route takes approximately 8 hours to clear after the snow has stopped falling from an average storm. Primary north/south and east/west streets are opened and cleared of snow first because they carry the greatest amount of traffic. Residential streets are done next.
The snow on the street in front of your property is not being removed. It is being pushed to the sides of the street and will overflow onto sidewalks and driveways. It is the Town's policy to clear roads from curb to curb. In order to reduce the risk of clearing your sidewalk and driveway multiple times, please wait until town crews have completely finished clearing your street curb-to-curb. Anti/deicing materials are also applied by town crews and contractual providers to keep streets safe.
Street Sweeping
Town streets are swept at least once in the spring and as needed at other times to maintain clean and sanitary conditions for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Residents are encouraged to recycle sand on the street in front of their homes and use for residential purposes such as icy sidewalks and driveways. Please note that it is illegal to place any material in the street.
Storm Drain Maintenance
Catch basins along town streets are cleaned regularly and repaired to minimize the possibility of flooding during storms.
To report a problem, leave a message for the Department of Public Works at 860-561-8100. Please do not put anything into any catch basin. You could clog the system or pollute our streams and ponds.
Traffic Safety
Our vision is that the quality of our services will be so great that the Department of Public Works will be the highest rated department in West Hartford and one of the reasons people and businesses locate here.
Our mission is to make West Hartford the safest and most attractive community in Connecticut. The Department of Public Works is a highly trained, flexible and responsive organization dedicated to responding effectively to the challenges of changing conditions including weather, governmental regulations, customer demands and uncontrollable economic conditions.
We are responsible for the maintenance and repair of Town: Signs and signals, and street lights.
To report a street light out, please have the pole number and address it is closest to and call 860-561-8100.