Poll Worker Information
The West Hartford Registrar of Voters are always looking for good people who care about their community, who want to ensure that each vote counts, and who want each voter to have the best possible voting experience. This is an opportunity to fulfill an important civic duty and earn money at the same time.
The Basics
Depending on the election, the Registrars hire between 70 and 125 poll workers. Only 70% of the poll workers return each year, so new poll workers are always welcome to apply (application below).
Poll worker pay ranges from $260-$450. It does require working a long day, training, and dealing with the public. The fee paid for each position includes payment for training. There is no separate payment for attending required training class.
Please note: After completing the poll worker application below, you will become part of our pool of prospective poll workers. Not all poll workers work every election. The number of poll workers for each election is determined by the size of the election and the expected turnout. Poll workers are chosen to work a specific election based on their availability, willingness to work in different locations, and the number of workers needed.
In addition, we strive to fill most positions five weeks before an election. If you are applying after this date, it is unlikely you will be hired for the current election, but we will keep you on the list.
What You Need to Know
Poll Workers work a minimum of 15 consecutive hours at an election or primary. All positions are full-day positions, which means you must arrive at the polling location at 5:15 AM and stay until the close of the poll. The poll officially closes at 8PM, but may need to stay open later if voters are still in line at 8PM. Most poll workers have paperwork and/or clean up to complete and will not be released from their position until all work is completed.
Poll workers receive appropriate meal and rest breaks. Poll workers are expected to bring their own lunch, but dinner is provided.
Depending on the position, poll workers must attend a training class. For more complex positions (Moderator and Assistant Registrar), training can last 3 hours.
Training is required prior to each primary or election.
Moderators (the Chief Polling Place Official) must also take a 4 to 5 hour class every four years which is scheduled by the Registrar of Voters office.
All poll workers should vote via an absentee ballot or early in-person voting, as poll workers may not be assigned to their polling place and cannot leave their polling place to vote elsewhere. Absentee ballot applications are available from the Town Clerk’s office.
In most cases, you will be asked to start at one of the more basic positions (Tabulator Tender, Ballot Clerk, or Official Checker). As you grow in experience you may be asked to take a position with more responsibility, such as Assistant Registrar or Moderator.
Poll Worker Descriptions & Per Diem Remuneration:
- Absentee Ballot Counter $19/hour
- Assistant Registrar $385
- Early Voting Ballot Box Attendant $18/hour
- Early Voting CVRS Worker $23/hour
- Ballot Clerk $260
- Moderator $450
- Official Checker $325
- Supervised Voting Worker $19/hour
- Tabulator Tender (Voting Machine) $260