Senior Services
West Hartford Social Services offers information and referrals to residents seeking knowledge about programs or services, or needing contact information regarding housing, financial programs, homecare services, transportation or other programs.
2024 Free Wellness Screenings
- Services for Seniors Brochure
- Homemaker Companion Agencies: A Guide For Consumers
- Case Management
- Housing Resources
- Energy Assistance, Tax Freeze, Medicare Savings
- Renter's Rebate
- Protective Services
- Nutritional Resources - Meals on Wheels, SNAP, Food Pantry, Foodshare
- Transportation Resources - Dial-A-Ride, State of CT Transit
- Senior Centers
Services for Seniors Brochure
Homemaker Companion Agencies: A Guide For Consumers
This fact sheet provided by the State of Connecticut is meant to help you understand the process of working with a homemaker companion agency in order to make the best decision for your specific needs. To view the fact sheet click here. The West Hartford Department of Social Services has additional guidance resources available upon request.
Case Management
The Division of Social Services Case Management Program assists residents over the age of 60 and people with disabilities to connect with community services that will increase a resident's safety, fulfillment, and independence in remaining in the community. There is no charge for these services.
Social workers can make home visits or meet in the office with residents and their families to assess which programs or services would most help. The older person's living situation, mobility, transportation, family support, financial resources, etc., are all considered when arriving at a plan that will provide the most independence, along with the assistance needed for quality of life and safety, for the resident to thrive.
Housing Resources
West Hartford is here to help. We offer a wide variety of housing options and programs for residents that are elderly, disabled or low-income. Below are a few examples. Contact our office so we can help you find what is best for you or your loved one. Call 860-561-7561.
Independent Apartments
Subsidized Apartments
Assisted Living
Retirement Communities
Skilled Nursing Facilities
Housing Rehabilitation Program
Fair Housing (Landlord/Tenant Issues)
HUD Associated Rental Housing in CT
Energy Assistance, Tax Freeze, Medicare Savings
CT Department of Social Services
The Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) administers and delivers a wide variety of services to children, families, adults, people with disabilities and elders, including health care coverage, child support, long-term care and supports, energy assistance, food and nutrition aid, and program grants.
For more information, click on one of the links above or call DSS directly, 1-855-6-CONNECT (1-855-626-6632).
Energy Assistance
Through the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP), households meeting income-eligibility guidelines can receive grants to help with heating expenses during the winter season.
Community Renewal Team (CRT) partners with our department to offer a CRT Case Manager here in our Human Services office. The CRT Case Manager is available by appointment only to process CEAP applications.
The Connecticut Energy Assistance Program officially begins on November 1st and ends at the end of April. Appointments can be made as early as September.
For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call 860-560-5800.
The Town That Cares Fund
The Town of West Hartford’s Department of Human Services established the Town That Cares Fund in the early 1980’s. Since that time it has served as a unique resource to residents having emergency needs in paying for utility bills, food, clothing, shelter costs, medical expenses, including medical equipment and a variety of other needs. Each day there are town residents who find themselves needing financial support following a crisis or hardship. The cause might be the loss of a job, a serious illness, an untimely death, a disability or another type of unanticipated financial setback. All eligibility decisions are based on an application process that includes an interview between the resident and a Town social worker. Formal policies and procedures are in place to guide the social workers in making their decisions. During monthly meetings, designed for the purpose of program monitoring and quality control assurance, each case in which a payment has been made is reviewed by a committee of Human Services staff persons.
Tax Freeze & Assistance
Tax relief programs administered by the West Hartford Assessment office.
Medicare Savings Program
CT Department of Social Services offers the Medicare Savings Program to help you pay for Medicare Part B premiums. Go to the DSS' website for further information.
Renter's Rebate
Residents who are receiving financial assistance from Social Security Disability or who are over 65 years of age, may be eligible for a rebate on their rent and utility expenses. The rebate program runs from April 1st through September 30th and is available to residents meeting state-specified income requirements.
Click here for more information regarding the program and to see a list of required documents. Click here to schedule an appointment or call 860-561-7560.
Apply now and get a rebate on your rent!
Required Documents:
- All income for 2023
- (Social Security, wages, pension, annuities, railroad retirement, alimony, IRA distributions, and documentation on any other additional money received in 2023).
- A copy of your 2023 Tax Return if filed or if you plan to file along with all supporting documentation.
- All Rent Payments for the whole year of 2023
- All Utility Payments made in 2023
- Social Security Card and Driver’s License
Call West Hartford Social Services for more information at 860-561-7560 or email Andrea Ruggiero.
The application form and copies of all the required documentation is necessary to process your Renter's Rebate application. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, you can call or email Andrea Ruggiero at 860-561-7560.
*State law provides a reimbursement program for Connecticut renters who are elderly or totally disabled, and whose incomes do not exceed certain limits. Persons renting an apartment or room or living in cooperative housing, or a mobile home may be eligible for this program. Renters' rebates can be up to $900 for married couples and $700 for single persons. The renters' rebate amount is based on a graduated income scale* and the amount of rent and utility payments (excluding telephone) made in the calendar year prior to the year in which the renter applies. Application may be made at the town social service agency between April 1st and September 30th.
Protective Services
This state program is designed to safeguard people 60 years and older from physical, mental and emotional abuse, neglect and abandonment and/or financial abuse and exploitation. DSS social workers devise a plan of care aimed at assuring an elder's safety while preserving the person’s right of self-determination. Staff may help the person remain in the living situation he or she prefers, safeguard legal rights, prevent bodily injury or harm, determine service needs and then mobilize resources to provide necessary services. For more information call 1-888-385-4225.
Nutritional Resources - Meals on Wheels, SNAP, Food Pantry, Foodshare
Meals on Wheels - These programs provide nutritious home-delivered meals to registered recipients. Some are for low-income elders with age and income restrictions; others serve without regard to financial circumstances. Costs vary by program, and most offer special dietary accommodations. Call individual programs listed below for more information.
Juniper House Homecare |
Community Renewal Team |
VNA Healthcare |
CW Resources |
Food Pantry - Social Services maintains a large food pantry. It depends on donations of food from our community - individuals, families, neighborhoods, schools and businesses - and provides nutritious food in times of need. For information regarding the use of our food pantry, please call our office at 860-561-7561 or visit the West Hartford Food Pantry website.
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program - Qualified West Hartford Residents Age 60+ may be eligible for Farmers' Market Coupons. Please call 860- 561-7560 to schedule an appointment to receive your SFMNP card.
Foodshare Mobile Van - The West Hartford Food Pantry also partners with Foodshare to provide residents with fresh produce once a month. Please click here for more information on the mobile Foodshare van, including locations and schedules.
SNAP Food Stamps - The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps, is a Connecticut Department of Social Services program that helps low-income individuals and families afford the cost of food at grocery stores and farmers’ markets.
West Hartford is a Screening Site for SNAP. We periodically host Foodshare Volunteers to screen and help process SNAP applications. Eligibility into the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is determined by income (click here for details on the program and required documents). A family’s gross monthly income must be below 185% of the FPL in order to be found eligible for the program (click here for eligibility guidelines). Expenses such as rent/mortgage and utilities are taken into consideration only after eligibility is determined. Expenses will help establish the monthly allotment for the benefit.
Call 860-561-7561 for a SNAP appointment at Bishops Corner Senior Center or Elmwood Community Center. Call FoodShare SNAP Outreach Team at 860-286-9999 x104 for information on other SNAP locations.
Transportation Resources - Dial-A-Ride, State of CT Transit
Our most popular service is Dial -A- Ride. Services are available for adult residents who are over 60 y/o or over 18 y/o with a qualified disability and are unable to use public transportation.
Dial-A-Ride is designed to assist West Hartford residents, who have difficulty using public transportation, with access to essential services in the area. To qualify, you must be aged 60 y/o or older OR be over 18 y/o and permanently disabled. Any person under 60 years of age seeking membership is required to furnish a physician's statement indicating the nature of the disability and their inability to use public transportation.
Dial-A-Ride is unable to meet all requests for services. Consequently, priority is given to medical and dental appointments to the hospital area of the city of Hartford (Hartford Hospital, St. Francis, Mt. Sinai), UCONN Medical Center in Farmington, Cottage Grove Road and Northwest Drive in Bloomfield, and the Newington Veterans Clinic on Willard Avenue. Our second priority is grocery shopping and once weekly visits to the two senior centers. Transportation for other reasons or other areas may be allowed if scheduling permits.
Due to the high demand for this cost effective service, we encourage individuals with access to other transportation, to use Dial-A-Ride only when other options are not available. This will allow us to serve those with few, if any, alternatives.
Dial-A-Ride is provided through a contractual agreement with CTS Transportation and Safe Transportation. All requests for service by existing members should be made by calling the reservations line directly at 860-561-7444. Requests for membership applications and any concerns, problems or suggestions should be brought to the attention of West Hartford Social Services (860-561-7561) to ensure immediate action.
Please review the Dial-A-Ride policy.
Dial A Ride Brochure
Dial A Ride Application 60+
Dial A Ride Application Under 60 w/ Disability Certification Form
Dial A Ride Independent Living Certification
Companion/Aide Form*
*A medically-necessary aide can accompany a Dial-A-Ride client at no charge with the proper form and DAR application submitted.
MAP Program
In additional to the regular Dial-A-Ride service, members are also eligible for the Medical Access Program (MAP). MAP is funded through a grant from the State of CT's Department of Transportation and provides transportation to ongoing and urgent medical treatment (kidney dialysis, chemotherapy etc.). There is a separate application for this program, including a physician’s statement but there is no additional change for current Dial-A-Ride clients.
MAP program operates Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM.
To be eligible, participants must be a member of the West Hartford Dial-A-Ride program. Membership in the standard Dial-A-Ride program is $65 a year. There is NO ADDITIONAL FEE for the MAP program!
Reservations made are "standing reservations". For more information, please call Andrea at 860-561-7560.
Transportation offered from State of CT
The State of Connecticut also provides transportation services for adults. Types of transportation services available vary from city buses to a paratransit service. Please click on a link below for more information.
Senior Centers
Click here and explore West Hartford's two Senior Centers.