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West Hartford

Tax Office

Welcome to the West Hartford Tax office. Please see our office hours and contact information located at the bottom of this page. 

Please be advised, the Town of West Hartford is under contract with TaxServ Capital Services for the collection of the delinquent motor vehicle and business personal property taxes, as well as delinquent parking tickets and ordinance violations.  If you receive a letter from TaxServ, please call TaxServ directly to discuss your account and arrange payment.

TaxServ Capital Services, LLC can be reached by any of the following: 

Telephone: 860-724-9100
Fax: 860-727-1080

Pay Taxes Now

(No login or registration required) 

Registered Returning Users
(Login to your customer account)

Online Bill Payment

Invoice Cloud offers the following benefits for registered users: 

  • Access, view and pay your bills online, at your convenience
  • Paying your bill online is faster and easier than writing a check and mailing it
  • You can pay with electronic check or credit/debit card
  • Registered users have the option to pay immediately or schedule a payment
  • You may choose to eliminate paper invoices to reduce clutter and help the environment (option not currently available for motor vehicle bills)

A $0.90 fee will be charged when paying by electronic check/ACH.  All other forms of payment including credit/debit card, Paypal or Venmo will incur a convenience fee of 2.99% with a minimum charge of $3.95.  The Town of West Hartford receives only your bill payment amount.  Convenience fees cover various administrative costs associated with accepting payments and are non-refundable.

The convenience fee amount is automatically calculated and is shown on the payment page before you submit your payment for processing.  Convenience fees will appear as a separate charge from the bill amount on your bank or credit/debit card statement.

If you need help using online bill pay or you have a question about your account, please call 860-561-7474, option 4.

If there is an error in the credit/debit card charge, please contact Invoice Cloud at 877-256-8330 x2700.

Tax bills are mailed twice each year

  • First installment bills are mailed mid-to-late June and are due no later than the first business day in August. 
  • Second installment bills are mailed mid-to-late December and are due no later than the first business day in February.

First Installment Real Estate, Business Personal Property, and Motor Vehicle Tax Bills (for vehicles registered on October 1, 2024) are due July 1st, 2025. The last day to pay without penalty is August 1, 2025. 

Address Change


Submit change of address online



Motor Vehicle Adjustment

Information and FAQs on Motor Vehicles



Refund Request


Online refund request form



Office Hours

Monday - Friday:  8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Contact Information

West Hartford Town Hall
50 South Main Street, Room 109
West Hartford, CT 06107
860-561-7474, option 4

Staff Directory

Helene Lefkowitz

Revenue Collector

Parking Violations

Chris Hemstock

Revenue Service Rep, Parking Tickets

Katie Hollingsworth

Revenue Service Representative

James LaMontagne

PT Clerk II

Karen Nunes

PT Revenue Service Rep

Jamesha Redding

Revenue Services Rep

The current mill rate for Real Estate and Business Personal Property is 42.35. The mill rate for Motor Vehicles is 32.46 (pertains to bills due July 1, 2024 and January 1, 2025). 

Please see FAQs page for additional information about due dates and penalties.