West Hartford continues to make improvements to its bicycle facilities and programs. Bicycling is important for a healthy, livable community. There are now 506 Bicycle Friendly Communities (BFC) throughout the United States and Washington, D.C.
The League of American Bicyclists’ recognized the Town of West Hartford by renewing its Bronze level Bicycle Friendly Community designation, which required a greater demonstration of the Town’s efforts as the application process was more involved this cycle. Our achievements since our last Bronze level designation in 2013 are the result of West Hartford’s commitment to improving its roadways to accommodate bicycles wherever possible, to its public safety measures that enforce the rules of the road, to its bicycle safety curriculum in its schools, and to its cycling community that encourages everyone to consider cycling over driving whenever they can. West Hartford is very proud of this important renewed designation and we will continue to make improvements to the community in the years ahead.
The BFC program provides a road map to improving a Bicycle Friendly Community and the application itself has become a rigorous and an educational tool in itself. Of the 506 recognized Bicycle Friendly Communities, West Hartford is one of 349 Bronze level communities.
Bicycle Plan and Facility Selection & Design Guide
The Town’s Bicycle Plan and Facility Selection & Design Guide (Plan) was approved by the Community Planning and Economic Development Council Subcommittee at their November 20, 2024 meeting. The update was performed by the Town’s consultant, FHI Studios through a year-long process with input from the community and the Town’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Commission. The Plan will assist the Town in planning and designing bicycle facilities that are safe, appropriate, and comfortable for a wide range of users within the Town. This guide provides a methodology for selecting appropriate bicycle facilities and intersection treatments, as well as design guidance on those facilities and treatments.